Wednesday, August 10, 2005

God has a sense of humor

"We interrupt this edition of Playground Confessions to insert an anecdote from Sarah's real life. Playground Confessions will be seen later this week. Or next (let's be realistic)."

Grace and I spent a large part of the morning trying to teach Natalie how to play peekaboo. Natalie was lying on the bed; I was sitting at her feet, and Grace was in my lap. Grace and I took turns covering our eyes and saying, "Where's Mommy?" or "Where's Grace?" Natalie just smiled and smiled the whole time like the lovebug she is.

The day went downhill from there, however. Grace is turning two this week and you really can tell. She refused to keep her cup in the kitchen, poured it down the front of her shirt while sitting on the couch, left a puddle of ice on the kitchen floor (in a separate incident!), repeatedly took items out of the bag I was loading for her swin class, and the worst of all: woke up the baby THREE TIMES today. Plus, Natalie has decided that she doesn't like napping when Grace naps, so you know what that means: now Mommy doesn't get a nap (or a break, or a shower, or time to get stuff done, etc.).

I finally hit the end of my sleep-deprived rope at dinner when Grace repeateded shreiked that she wanted more hotdogs as though she were starving to death, and then shreiked that she didn't as though bringing one to her plate would poison us all. Natalie began to cry during this interchange and all I could think to do to avoid slapping Grace was to take my hands and bury my face in them. I was prepared to start crying but decided to pray instead.

So there I am with my face in my hands, standing in the middle of the kitchen with puddles of melted ice everywhere, Grace soaking wet, Natalie crying in her bouncy seat, and me telling God how I can't do this anymore. I literally said to God in my head, "Fix this." Can you guess what happened? After about 10 seconds, Grace says enthusiastically, "Where's Mommy?!?"

It took me a second to realize that while I am at the end of my rope, literally trying to keep myself from abusing my kids, Grace thinks I am playing peekaboo. I open my hands and say, "Here I am, honey!" and burst out laughing. Grace starts laughing and even Natalie smiles. God fixes things once again. Thank you, Lord.


Blogger michellemacomber said...

You are such a beautiful model of a woman truly connected to God. That's why your my mom-hero!

12:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog makes me want to hurl. Where were your God powers during the Darfur crisis?

8:43 AM  

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